Sunday, December 14, 2014

Now's Not the Time

     Some say timing is everything.  The results we wish to achieve will be lessened or ineffective if we say or do something at the wrong time, in the wrong circumstances, or with people who are not ready to listen.
     Sometimes, we must plan a conversation and do whatever it takes to get the person ready to listen.  We may be ready now, but we have to remember our goal and plan accordingly.  We also must anticipate resistance to change especially if the person is happy the way things are now.
     Good comedians develop their timing to build up, pause, and wait for the laugh.  People making  speeches have to get their points across in the right amount of time with good style and delivery.  Parents realize they have to have a continuing communication with their children instead of trying to reason when the child is upset and out of control.
     We can time our conversation to get the greatest effect, but procrastination may produce too much delay.  Our time may be limited; our opportunities may be few.  The perfect time may not come.  We don't want to run out of time to get our message across.
     If now is not the time, then when?

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