Tuesday, November 10, 2020



     To brew good coffee, use an effective filter to allow the water to absorb the desired flavor while keeping out the unwanted grounds.  Our brain uses a filter that allows some info to be absorbed while keeping other info from passing into our thoughts.  We brew up our life by using a filter.

     Our filter is formed from the time we are born.  Our parents teach us what they believe, what  they think is important to flavor our lives and what we should discard.  Other influential people guide our thoughts, sometimes for our benefit, sometimes to our detriment.  Teenagers begin to realize they can alter their filter and change to a new way of thinking.  Adults may realize that they need a fresh filter. 

     We have the ability even the responsibility to become aware of our filter which may not be brewing a life that we want.  It may be allowing distortions and false information into our brain.  We need to evaluate what sources are reliable, what is true and what is false.  We can decide what we want to absorb and what we want to discard. 

     An outdated filter can cause misinformation and prejudices to cloud our life.  It can cause us to absorb false information while keeping out the truth.  Check your filter frequently to get a true brew.