Thursday, March 3, 2022


We thought having our first period was the sign of becoming a woman, but actually we had quite a few years to go to get that status.  Perhaps turning 20 or 21 is the time we can call ourselves women.  You will then be a woman the rest of your life.  Enjoy those teenage years and don't rush into womanhood.

Prepare yourself to become a woman.  Further your education and discover your true interests, then get ready to select a career that you will enjoy as you benefit society.  This career should also make you financially independent.  Meet other people your age and have fun.  Go on dates, but don't feel the necessity of being a part of a couple.  Don't limit yourself to just one and only and be in a hurry to make a lifetime commitment.  You have many years ahead of you to discover more about yourself and decide what kind of person you want as a mate.  

Falling in love feels great, but it can happen more than once, which may be a good thing.  Some people do marry their high school or college sweetheart and all works out fine.  Others realize that first love just leads to our final, lifelong love.  

Be true to yourself.  Let yourself grow and learn more about life.  Lean forward; resist the temptation of falling back into childhood.  Also resist the temptation of jumping too far ahead.  Marriage and parenthood will last a lifetime and frequently demand that you put others first before yourself.  Use your early years to be selfish in a good way.