Sunday, May 22, 2022


 In our democracy, citizens choose public servants to make, amend, or change the law.  As civilized human beings, we obey what is good for all.  Those who do not obey, can be arrested, judged to be guilty or innocent, and receive a punishment which may also help rehabilitate them.  The punishment can also be a deterrent for others tempted to disobey. 

Citizens can also question the validity of the law and bring their case to court.  The Supreme Court with the knowledge of all previous laws may then change the former laws.  Their decisions should not be based on their personal or religious opinions.

Religions also have their sets of laws based on what they believe come from spiritual sources.  Those who do not obey may face judgment and punishment.   With repentance, they receive forgiveness.  Those who obey receive rewards.

 Our government and  religion may try to convince us about what is right and what is wrong, but we need to train our minds to think logically and behave accordingly.  We can decide what we should or shouldn't do.  If we hold true to our opinions, we can build confidence in our judgement.  If we stray from our opinions, we can forgive ourselves and strive to do better.   With experience, we can amend and change our opinions.  The laws made by government and religion can guide our thinking, but we have the right to be the final judge.

Monday, May 16, 2022


Your body may react in an unpleasant way to something you breathe in, touch, or consume while others do not seem to have any reaction.  This may be an allergy.   Scientists point to a variety of causes.

Perhaps you were born this way, something inherited from your parents.  Some experts say we overdo cleanliness and overuse antibiotics so the body doesn't learn how to defend itself by itself.     Climate change of global warming extends the growing season of plants which causes an increase in pollen.  Sometimes the digestive tract doesn't function normally.   We need to encourage the body to react in a more natural way. 

 We also need to encourage the brain to be able to handle whatever comes our way, to observe a variety of ideas and have healthy thinking.  Young people, don't automatically inherit all of your parents' ideas.  Parents, don't expect your children to always agree with you.  If parents limit their children to only what they have decided is clean and don't expose them to different ideas, the child may not learn how to think.  They need to be taught how to defend their beliefs and understand those with different beliefs.  As we consume information by listening or reading from only one point of view, our thoughts can become very narrow.  

Throughout your life, find out how to maintain a healthy body and brain.  Don't develop an allergy to logical thinking. 



Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Nature is neither evil nor good, but our human nature can lead us toward evil and good.  When we have what we need, we have no excuse to choose evil.  If  basic needs are not met, some people might  compensate and do something they shouldn't or not do something they should.  Other people never develop emotional maturity, self-control, or empathy for others which can cause very bad behavior.  Our responsibility is to provide for ourselves and help others when possible.  If for some reason: lack of proper parenting, limited capacities, insufficient education,  prejudice  (the list goes on) we must seek help.  In addition, we should provide help to others.

We need to define good and evil.  Good benefits everyone.  Instances of evil can psychologically damage the one responsible and hurt the victims in many ways.  The absence of evil is the first step toward good.  However we must go a step further and intentionally choose good.  Making good decisions and choosing good behavior need to be practiced.   Humans aren't perfect creatures, but we have the ability to improve.

Others creatures in nature are not evil.  They behave to survive, do whatever it takes to obtain food and safety.  Sometimes, males fight each other in order to secure a mate.  Animals protect their young and get them ready for adulthood.  This is their natural behavior.  We humans are more complicated.   


Sunday, May 1, 2022


  Many people take selfies to share an image of themselves.  But the eyes of others around them also see an image.  They see your appearance and actions, take a mental picture of you, and make assumptions, some positive some negative.  Often the pic includes friends and family at a special event.

You may wish to reveal your thoughts and opinions through conversation or in writing.   Those who listen and read may agree, disagree, or wish you hadn't revealed that part of yourself.   You may decide to write about your life and reveal the important memories of your past.  Don't pass up the opportunity to let your family and friends know you better.