Wednesday, December 16, 2020



     Making a transition involves going from one thing to another: one position to another, one idea to another, or one opinion to another.  Some transitions are voluntary; some are forced upon us.

     When someone is leaving a position, they often help the person taking over the job.  A smooth transition gives the new worker a better understanding of the requirements of the job and shows them how the former worker operated.  

     When that job is an elected position, the outgoing official can help the incoming one.  Citizens who had put their trust in the former official may have trouble accepting the new one.  By delaying acceptance of the new, the government may suffer.  Those who agree with the change may have an easier time than those who wish things were different.  A smooth transition will benefit the future.

     Some transitions are forced upon us. We may not want to change, but we have to adjust and look to the future.  Other changes come as we evolve from one opinion to another.   A time of transition can be uncomfortable as we go from a past way of thinking to a new, perhaps uncharted future.  People around us may become confused as to what is going on.  It may be easier for them if we stay the same.

     Our lives require changes.  As we go from one thing to another, we have to journey through transition. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020



Down through history,  men have made rules about how women should dress.  Some believed that a women should only show her body to her husband, even to the extreme of completely covering up in public with only a peep hole to see out into the world.  Women would be preventing men from having lustful thoughts.  This mode of dress they claimed came from God.

Gradually cultures changed and allowed the head, arms, cleavage, and ankles to be exposed.  Fashion began to be important especially to those who could afford clothes that went beyond function.  Men would have lustful thoughts no matter what was covered up or what was exposed.

Today, most women realize they can choose what they want to wear.  Influences still exist from religion, culture, and society.  The media and pop culture often presents the ideal.  The fashion industry and other influencers promote the newest trendy styles.  Then as styles change, many women add to their wardrobe.

Some women dress to reveal much of their bodies.  They give away a view to anyone who cares to look, to flaunt their "beauty" to the world and attract the male.  Most males do not complain.  There doesn't seem to be any negatives in dressing this way.

In order to participate in this lack of modesty, women feel they need to have a perfect youthful body.  Exercise regimens and special diets are used to sustain a sexy appearance.  Improving general health seems a secondary benefit. When the body shows signs of aging, plastic surgery is considered.   Many women loose self-esteem when their bodies don't match up to the ideal.  Perhaps a better idea would be to dress modestly and force men to use their imagination.

Women, take pride in the way you choose to look.  Include modesty as part of your decision.