Wednesday, April 16, 2014


      Beliefs may be based on natural laws, supernatural power, or a combination of both.
     The amazing laws of nature enable the universe and all within it, including us, to exist and thrive.  Even though most of us are not scientists, we trust the scientific methods that reveal what has gone on for billions of years and how things work today.
     Many people put their faith in the supernatural that goes beyond the laws of nature.  They believe that God came first, created the universe, communicates with humans, inspired holy scriptures, enables miracles, and provides heaven for life after death.
     Conflicts can arise when we try to incorporate both beliefs into our thinking.  Those who believe that religious faith supersedes natural laws may take the scriptures literally and believe in creationism rather than evolution.  Others realize that scriptures were written for people living at that time who could not understand modern science.  Some believe that stories of the bible are fact; some believe many of the stories are fables.  Some feel that their religious beliefs should help form the laws that apply to all US citizens.
     Those who do not have strong religious beliefs may have less trust in the authenticity of scriptures and may not believe in events outside the laws of nature like miracles.  Some believe that humans created the idea of God to provide a parent figure who loves and protects, teaches how to behave, provides comfort, and eases fears.  
     You may put your trust in the natural or the supernatural or try to blend both.  Appreciate our freedom to choose our beliefs and celebrate life.     

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