Tuesday, April 29, 2014


     Idiosyncrasies, quirks, strange or silly habits, most of us have foibles that are sometimes annoying but not usually harmful.  Often people don't see their own foibles until someone makes a joke or otherwise points them out.  If someone judges our behavior as odd, we often discount their opinion.  We think our  behavior is normal and even necessary to accomplish our goals. We  might be wiser to at least consider opinions other than our own.
     Normal includes a wide range of behaviors, and unique personality traits can be quite interesting.  We may like our own style, but others may see how some of our habits may actually be reducing our overall effectiveness.  When we are too secure in our own logic and opinions, we often prevent the benefits of helpful advice.  Sometimes we need to see ourselves through the eyes of others, so we don't become slaves to our foibles.

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