Sunday, December 9, 2012


     We seem to believe that our country is the most tolerant and even welcomes differences of opinion, but each individual needs to honor differences if we are to be a model to the world.
     Our government is responsible for making and enforcing laws that are best for everyone, yet compromise is difficult.   Each representative not only must consider the constituency and the political party,  but also must honor what is considered the opposition.  To honor does not mean to devalue their own opinion.  Even if elected officials understandably believe they are right and other opinions are wrong,  too much self confidence can cloud their understanding of all sides of an issue.  Our representatives need to be informed, open-minded, and willing to find agreed-upon solutions.
     Marriage also works best when husband and wife honor each other even when differences of opinions arise.  Two people, two different opinions in many cases, need compromise in order to get along and accomplish goals.  This is also a good model for the children.
     With other relationships, we need to realize that everyone has a right to their own opinions.  We need to honor  each individual and try to understand their thinking.  When we  believe our opinions are best, we may feel it necessary to change others' minds to our way of thinking. We can't, however, expect everyone to agree.  The minute we feel superior and have the Truth, we may appear to be looking down on others.  Those around us can sense this superior attitude, and necessary compromise gets very difficult.
     When you want to "argue" your case, you need to understand the opposition. Their background, the way they were raised, the religion they were taught, and their present situation, all go to influence their opinions.  The same forces have influenced your opinions.  Even after you explain your side of an issue, agreement may not arise.  At that point, you may need to agree to disagree.  In many cases, the only solution is compromise.

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