Saturday, July 8, 2017


     When we realize we have enough, when we help others have enough, we can reach a state of satisfaction.  We may need more to stay healthy, to reach our potential, to complete necessary goals, but we also need to realize when enough of something is enough.
     We may or may not have gotten what we needed in the past.  Something might not have seemed enough.  Hopefully, we can learn how to provide for ourselves now and in the future.  Sometimes, we have too much of a good thing and need to cut back.  Sometimes, we indulge in the detrimental.
     We need to face reality instead of creating fantasy.  Down through history, humans have had trouble understanding reality and have been uncomfortable with the unknown.  Even though they were the most evolved of all creatures, they considered themselves above it all.  Their intelligence allowed them to discover new things and solve problems.  Their imagination often created ideas to explain the unknown.  They passed down what they learned and ideas they created, some truth and some fantasy.
     Some people are not satisfied with being a part of nature.  They want to have answers to the mysteries.  They feel more comfortable with someone or something guiding and protecting them.  They want more than what nature provides and what they can provide for themselves.  When you take the responsibility of caring for yourself plus helping others when needed, feel satisfaction.  Enjoy your life but don't expect the impossible.  Know the difference between reality and fantasy.  Appreciate nature and know when enough is enough.
     You can follow the sentiment in the illustration, but add this: Where you are right now may be enough for now, but keep on striving for clarity and improvement.

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