Friday, December 2, 2016

Above and Beyond

     Doing more than is required or expected especially to benefit others is sometimes recognized and rewarded, but other times is taken for granted or not even noticed.  Those in dangerous occupations, especially those wearing a uniform and carrying a gun, often receive thanks, praise, medals, and life-long perks.  We feel gratitude to them who risk life and limb in our stead to make us feel safe.
     The list of duties in the military is very clear, handed down from the tradition of each branch of service.  Police duties are defined by law.  Civilians, however, receive their list of duties from various sources.  Down through history, males in power decided who was to do what.  Some people believe our duties come from God, the Father and God, the Son as written in scriptures.  Our families often train us to follow a traditional list of duties.  We need to be aware of who designed our duty list.
     We need to mature and realize that we should design our own sense of duty, what we should and shouldn't do.  Some of our actions will be noticed; some will not.  We need to feel satisfaction about fulfilling our duties and also appreciate what others do to sustain and improve our lives.  Not to minimize the sacrifices of those in uniform, but those who work in peaceful pursuits deserve a gold star for going above and beyond.

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