Tuesday, March 27, 2012


     Even small children know when they are being treated with kindness.  When parents are patient and pleasant, give needed attention, and show concern for their children's happiness and welfare, children feel loved.  Sometimes kindness is hard for children to understand when parents need to say no to their children's wishes in order to guide and protect them.
     As children get older, they need to learn that not only do we appreciate kindness from others, but that we also need to show kindness to others.  The Golden Rule says that we need to treat others just as we want to be treated.  This is part of being civilized, courteous, and helpful.
     Adults learn that in a way we must take over the responsibilities that our parents had toward us while we were growing up.  We need to be patient toward ourselves and be concerned for our own welfare.  Pat yourself on the back when you do a good job.  Forgive yourself when you make mistakes.  Discipline  yourself when you feel too impulsive or want to take part in risky behaviors that may be dangerous.  Be kind to yourself.
     Kindness has three paths: from others to us, from us to others, and from us to ourselves.

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