Monday, July 11, 2022



More than your family tree and genealogy, write down your story and include pictures.  This can be shared while you are still alive and will be a legacy for generations to come.  Your life story is as valuable as anyone else's.  Admit that you want to be remembered.  Don't leave it up to others to pass on your history.  What they have witnessed is only part of your life. 

Don't get overwhelmed trying to remember.  Make a plan, take your time, but don't procrastinate.  Do a little bit each day or every other day so as not to exhaust yourself.  Use photos to add to your memories.  Remember you can add more later and revise before your final copy.  However you want to do it, just start writing!  As your life progresses, continue writing your story.

Some people research those family members who have gone before them.  The more information they find, the more they want to know.  Dates, places, and other facts can be found, but what a treasure to find something a person has written down about their own life.  Give this gift to your family. 

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