Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Secular Ethics

     This pandemic has required us to think about what is best for ourselves, our country, and the world.  We all are sacrificing, feeling compassion for those suffering, and trusting science to return us to better times.  Ethical decisions have been made for our survival.
     Secular Ethics is based on human faculties such as logic, empathy, reason or moral intuition and not derived from belief in supernatural revelation or guidance.  Secular ethics has much in common with many religious morality codes.
     The beginnings of ethics can be witnessed in nonhuman animals as they form social behaviors first within their kinships as parents sacrificing for their offspring and continuing as they follow behaviors that benefit their group like sharing food.  Those animals that reciprocate and help each other strengthen the community.  Evolution continued these positive traits in human beings who became more reflective and logical, then designed the best ways to live and set rules of behavior.  Beneficial behaviors were encouraged such as honesty and cooperation, while other behaviors were discouraged, even prohibited.  The concepts of good and bad, right and wrong were established.  Punishments were put into place for the lawbreakers.
     Throughout history, some cultures were sidetracked, created a deeper divide between the powerful and the powerless, instituted slavery, resorted to violence and war, which in some cases led to their downfall.  A few cultures became more democratic, valuing the individual.   Some cultures yearned to understand the unknown and placed value on supernatural explanations.  Religions seemed to produce answers and created their own set of ethics and rules of behavior.  Many myths and stories of heroes were handed down even before written language.
    Today, many people value supernatural explanations which include rules of behavior.  They may believe that human nature is too selfish and misguided to do the right thing.  Others believe that logic and reason can prevail with good parenting and ethical leadership, that individuals can behave well for their own benefit and for the benefit of the group.
    We still have a long way to go.  Secular ethics can guide us to ensure our citizens and people around the world have equal rights and opportunity.

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