Saturday, November 18, 2017


     Feeling safe and protected eases stress in a dangerous world.  A newborn loves to be swaddled in a warm blanket or held close in someone's arms.  We all love hugs, a warm smile, or an arm around our shoulder, knowing that the person near us is friendly and safe.  We also feel safer having military abroad and police nearby.
     We can protect ourselves with healthy lifestyles, vaccinations, proper diet, sunscreen, protective gear especially in dangerous occupations and contact sports, by wearing seat belts and driving cautiously, locking our doors and setting alarms to warn us of intruders and fire.  We also need to heed advice concerning dangerous weather and insist that our environment is safe and protected.
    As we grow more aware of danger in the world, all of this may not seem enough.  By avoiding risky situations, we try to distance ourselves from danger.  By learning methods of self defense and becoming physically strong, we can prepare for personal attack.  Some people feel the need to own and carry a weapon.  Hopefully, these gun owners have been screened and are of sound mind and disposition and only have access to appropriate weapons.  Unfortunately, these guns can be grabbed and turned against us, stolen by thieves, or found by children with dire consequences.
     Other forms of armor are often employed to give a sense of safety and protection.  Guard dogs and personal bodyguards are used.  Some people seek a spiritual source which provides a sense of parental protection.  Others believe this is just a placebo.  We and our government should try to make friends instead of enemies, approach conflict with diplomacy, and make everyone feel safe and protected.
     No matter what techniques we employ, we have to accept our own vulnerability but not let fear overwhelm us from getting on with life.  We must safely and effectively arm ourselves.

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