Sunday, October 15, 2017


     In the animal kingdom, justice is a foreign concept.  Instead, survival of the fittest is the dominant law.  An animal has to be physically and mentally fit, able to find nourishment and shelter, protect itself, adapt, and evolve.
     Much of an animal's behavior originates from genetic makeup and inborn instincts, then it learns from parents and peers and through trial and error.  As animals group together, some become leaders and others followers.  Those in power set the rules and attach consequences of rewards and punishments.  Group survival is paramount.
     In recent history, humans have added value to the individual and profess that all should be able to survive.  The strongest should not abuse their position at the expense of the weak.  Of course, this is still just an ideal.  Governments were formed with varying ideas of who should be more powerful, usually the males of the majority who used their position to hold on to leadership.  Laws were made that sounded good, but at a closer look did not promote equality.  Many groups of people had to fight for equal rights and justice.  Laws then needed to be changed.
     Some people believe if we work hard, we will get what we deserve, and that those who are poor must not be working hard enough.  If only justice could be this simple.  In fact, justice is very rare.  Consider those who are victims of birth defects, disease, poverty, poor parenting, natural and man-made disasters.  All  of these circumstances are  beyond their control and are not fair.
     This is when the group must realize that their strength can only be sustained when justice prevails in the lives of all, when no one lacks food, shelter, education, or health care, when everyone is treated equally by the law.  Many people feel our government does not do enough to insure true equality and justice.  When they feel pressured to behave as though all is well, to be good little boys and girls, they feel an obligation to be loyal to those who are not treated equally, who do not feel justice.
     We are part of the animal kingdom after all but should elevate ourselves to see to it that all survive and prosper, not just those who are born to privilege and obtain power.  Justice for all!

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