Friday, January 13, 2017


     What seems absurd to you, unreasonable, illogical, irrational, or nonsensical, usually applies to someone else, not yourself.  Being aware of our own absurdities is almost impossible.
     We look at ideas and opinions vastly different from our own and find it difficult to see how anyone could believe that.  Our beliefs are usually backed up by our culture, our family, and our religion.  We think we have the best, most accurate ideas here in the USA, in the typical middle-class suburbs, where most people mirror their parents and neighbors.  What they believe, we usually believe, maybe with some minor differences.
     Those from distant lands and foreign cultures often seem odd as do those in our own country who don't look like us, sound like us, or believe like us.  Some of their behaviors and  practices seem absurd.  More absurd are agnostics or atheists who many believe have completely missed the boat.
     In addition, look at all those politicians who don't agree with you.  They seem full of nonsense.  They haven't just missed the boat, they have lost their minds.  If only they had our sense, our logic.
     Apples and oranges are not the same.  One is not better or more correct than the other.  Compare the similarities as much as the differences.


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