Thursday, March 27, 2014


     In the laboratory, cells can grow and develop with the correct mixture of chemicals, nutrients, and temperature.  In the community, people grow and develop with the correct parenting, moral values, and opportunity.  Genetics are a big part of how humans behave, but the culture surrounding them teaches both good and bad behavior patterns.  As we grow up, we can evaluate and choose to alter these patterns.
     Many people say if only both parents would be responsible, if only schools would prepare students for college and the work world, if only people would develop good values and uphold the law, if only society would provide employment opportunities, if only our culture could create the right mixture, then the behavior of our children and young adults would improve.
     We need to change the culture that allows nearly half of all children to be born out of wedlock.  These babies are at a disadvantage at their first breath.  Sex education and access to birth control is a must to prevent babies being born to "babies."  Self respect should be instilled in boys and girls to focus on developing their talents and to be responsible citizens who work and pay their way.
     Students should not be allowed to drop out of high school until they are 18 years old.  Next should come two choices: continue education at college or technical school or become gainfully employed. If  none of these choices is made within a short period of time perhaps 6 months, both male and female teens should be drafted into the military to develop discipline, get focused, and prepare for productive citizenship.
    As we grow up, we need to evaluate our own culture and understand other cultures.  Every culture can be improved.  Our responsibility is to become productive citizens and provide our children with the best mixture to grow and develop. 

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