Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Joining Together

     In her novel "Allegiant," Veronica Roth illustrates how people can remain loyal to home, groups, and individuals yet may change allegiance when necessary.  One character thinks to herself, "Maybe we'll make a home somewhere inside ourselves, to carry with us wherever we go."
     Our first awareness of the word allegiance comes from the phrase "I pledge allegiance..." which we learn to recite as young children.   We grow to understand the meaning of being loyal to our nation and appreciating our republic, liberty, and justice.  Patriotism helps keep citizens loyal to their homeland.
     We also learn what it means to be a loyal family member, friend, and part of a group.  Sometimes, we have to leave behind our family and home as we move away to college, get married, and establish a career.   Sometimes, we stay loyal to early ideas, opinions, and beliefs; sometimes, we choose to establish our own point of view.
     Our lifetime allegiance must be to ourselves so we can survive, develop our potential, and use our minds and talents.  We can choose to give our allegiance to others by joining together to improve our lives.

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