TV broadcasters have decided to go back to the family-hour with programming suitable for all ages until 8 pm Central Time. Parents can be secure that children and teens will not be exposed to R-rated themes and language. They can go to the internet for that!
TV news will no longer follow the premise of "If it bleeds, it leads." Unless information can lead to finding criminals, viewers don't need to see the dark side of society. They can go to YouTube for that!
FOX news remains Far Out Xtreme. MSNBC remains Most Sensible News Broadcast Company.
Welfare is a temporary aide until recipients are able to pay their own way.
Everyone needs health insurance and most people will pay their share of the premiums.
Illegal immigrants need a path to citizenship and can be an asset to our country.
Abortion should remain legal. Women have the right to choose.
LGBT are born that way and should have equal rights.
Those who carry guns guns can shoot you.
Send in the diplomats, not the soldiers.
Religion should not be a selling point of political candidates.
Experience is a very important attribute to qualify for any job including the Presidency.
If you believe the above, support Democrats.
Welfare is abused by too many undeserving, lazy, cheats.
Health care is for those who can pay for it.
Illegal aliens should be sent back to their homelands.
Abortion is a sin and should be illegal. Women's rights end with conception.
LGBT lifestyle is a sinful choice. Marriage is only for heterosexuals.
Those who carry guns can protect themselves.
Send in the troops. Diplomacy can't be trusted.
Conservative Christian values are a must for a good political candidate.
Having many years of experience means you are too old to be a leader in the future.
If you believe the above, support Republicans.