Some people yield to a divine authority who guides them through scriptures which contain commandments of what you should and should not do. Religious leaders then interpret how these scriptures apply to today's world.
At times, we all give control and power over to someone other than ourselves. When we are young and inexperienced, our parents should have control of us, but as we gain more wisdom, we should need less control.
A rebel also questions traditions which are passed down within a society. Just look at the calendar to see all the national and religious holidays that society has agreed to celebrate on the same day every year. Our national holidays stir up patriotism and loyalty to our country, while religious observances and holidays help reinforce the faith. Most religious services follow a traditional pattern. The ways we celebrate holidays are often very traditional from fireworks to Christmas trees, from turkey to Valentine hearts. Traditions are comforting and help us relive pleasant memories of the past, and as we repeat them, we pass them on to the next generation.
As a rebel, I better understand those people who question authority and tradition, who wish to design their own lives and allow others to design theirs. We can truly enjoy freedom.
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