A child is often asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As grownups we can ask ourselves, "What else do I want to be or do?" After raising a family, having a career, and helping your friends, you may want to think about what you want to do with your time, talents, experiences, and interests. Retirement gives us the opportunity to relax, have fun, and pursue hobbies. It also allows us to focus on ourselves, investigate new interests, and rethink our opinions of what is really important to us.
Business, church, and school organizations often write mission statements to define who they are and to state their purposes and goals. Individuals can write personal mission statements to analyze their strengths and interests and clarify what they want to accomplish. Some of our goals may only concern ourselves, our health, and our enjoyment of life, while other goals include helping our friends, families, and favorite organizations. We may choose to spend time thinking more deeply into the important questions of life. We may find some answers, yet realize that some questions will never be answered.
We need to keep our bodies and minds active and stay connected to the world. Decide what else you want to do and have a mission for the rest of your life.
My mission: Be and share who I am. How about you?