Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Many pharmaceuticals are proven to be necessary for health, prescribed by a doctor.  In some cases, drugs are taken as a shortcut instead of realizing the cause of the physical or mental problem and treating the situation with healthier methods.  And still other drugs are being abused to the detriment of physical and emotional health.  Addiction can develop. 

Notice the many pharmaceutical ads on TV.   Viewers see happy people enjoying life because they are using a particular medication.  Solve your problem with a pill or injection.  Other ads show over-the-counter products that promise to help cure many "problems."  Movies show partying means alcohol pot, and other substances.  Gummies seem like fun. 

Substances taken into our bodies like tobacco, alcohol, and drugs have been popular at various times in history.  Realize what your body really needs and stay away from dangerous products. 

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