Saturday, May 13, 2023


Human beings have many similarities.  Our bodies are mostly the same as we breathe, eat, drink, see, hear, talk, and move.  We have brains that can think, learn, remember, feel emotions, and form opinions.  Our basic needs are the same.  Our race is often evident by skin color, our age is usually assumed, and our behavior gives away our value systems.  Many people notice how others are different than themselves before they think about the similarities.  Comfort sometimes comes when we socialize with our own "kind."

As we associate with more diverse individuals, we can learn more about others and about ourselves.  Our world and our comfort zone will expand.  We then can realize the advantages of getting to know all sorts of people.  Our schools should welcome diversity so children and young adults can be truly educated.  Learning about people different than ourselves, making friends, and appreciating similarities and differences will make us less prejudiced and more empathic.

If you have only been in the majority group, you may not understand what it is like to be in the minority.  As your associations become more diverse, you will be on your way to understanding the world. 



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