Tuesday, May 23, 2023


This or that, here or there, now or later, decisions need to be made.  Our goals will guide our actions.  A commonly heard advice is "Live your best life." You need to consider others who may be affected by your decisions, but each of us needs to realize our own goals and move forward.  Decide what is best for you.  

First, we consider our options, allow time to evaluate the possibilities, and plan our actions.  Talking to others may help our decision making.  Then, we need to see the steps toward our goals.  Others may not understand, may believe we are moving too fast, or that our decisions are wrong.  Some may misunderstand or feel our decisions are partially based on something they have done.  We can try to explain our thinking and hope they will agree with our decisions.

After we have accomplished our goal, we may be satisfied with our decision.  We may also realize the goal needs updating.  Our decision making continues.

Monday, May 15, 2023


For some of you, home is where you were born, raised, married, had children, and lived your whole life.  All around you is the familiar: landmarks, roadways, life-long friends.  Memories are attached to the same town and state.  You are aware of the many families that share your area.

Others may have moved away after marriage but remain close enough to easily go back home to see friends and family.  Still others may have moved far away, seldom seeing home again, perhaps returning for holidays and reunions.  Many married couples make new homes and sometimes move many times, and as long as they are together, home is where their heart is.

As times moves on, our spouse may die; our heart is broken; the idea of home almost vanishes.  We may then move to a new place to be close to our adult child or children.  That is their home, not ours.  Trying to make a new home alone is vey difficult, even though our adult children help as much as possible.  The new locale offers many challenges.  Nothing is familiar.  We yearn for home.


Saturday, May 13, 2023


Human beings have many similarities.  Our bodies are mostly the same as we breathe, eat, drink, see, hear, talk, and move.  We have brains that can think, learn, remember, feel emotions, and form opinions.  Our basic needs are the same.  Our race is often evident by skin color, our age is usually assumed, and our behavior gives away our value systems.  Many people notice how others are different than themselves before they think about the similarities.  Comfort sometimes comes when we socialize with our own "kind."

As we associate with more diverse individuals, we can learn more about others and about ourselves.  Our world and our comfort zone will expand.  We then can realize the advantages of getting to know all sorts of people.  Our schools should welcome diversity so children and young adults can be truly educated.  Learning about people different than ourselves, making friends, and appreciating similarities and differences will make us less prejudiced and more empathic.

If you have only been in the majority group, you may not understand what it is like to be in the minority.  As your associations become more diverse, you will be on your way to understanding the world. 



Tuesday, May 2, 2023



Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube are ways to influence people who may click "like" on what is being promoted.  Social media comes through our computers and phones and we pay attention.  Even artificial intelligence can get our attention. Some of us may may be savvy enough to use technology to influence, but we all are influencers in our own ways.

No matter what our age or generation, we can have positive or negative influence over family members, friends, and groups of people.  We need to use strategies that work or our efforts may not produce our intended outcomes.  Persuasion is an art.  

We also need to be careful how we are influenced by others, even manipulated to do something not in our best interests.  Be alert to biased info and outright lies.   

No matter what you do, you influence others even when you don't realize it.  They are watching your behavior and listening to and reading your words.