Saturday, February 11, 2023


 Many situations exist that make it difficult to say no.  Our own personality may make us want to please or to not rock the boat.  It may be much easier to stay quiet or agree than disagree.  Our society, our families, our friends and neighbors, those we live with and hold most dear, may influence us to believe as they do, behave as they do.

There comes a point, however, when our own inner voice must be brave enough to reveal our true feelings and opinions.  There may be a cost when we do.  Society tries to manipulate us to celebrate the many calendar holidays, to think and do certain things at specific times of year, often suggesting gift giving as a way to express love.  Families may expect us to repeat their traditions in order to be part of the group.  We often do what friends and neighbors do so we don't appear weird or different.  When we show our true colors, we may seem like a dangerous influence as if we are going against the status quo. 

Good reasons help form our ideas, and we need the courage to stand up for ourselves even if others don't understand or agree.  When others are open to hear what we believe, we can try to give our reasons.  This takes courage and fortitude to withstand the possible pushback.  Just say no to what goes against your feelings and opinions.   Better yet just say yes to your inner voice.        

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