Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Nature is neither evil nor good, but our human nature can lead us toward evil and good.  When we have what we need, we have no excuse to choose evil.  If  basic needs are not met, some people might  compensate and do something they shouldn't or not do something they should.  Other people never develop emotional maturity, self-control, or empathy for others which can cause very bad behavior.  Our responsibility is to provide for ourselves and help others when possible.  If for some reason: lack of proper parenting, limited capacities, insufficient education,  prejudice  (the list goes on) we must seek help.  In addition, we should provide help to others.

We need to define good and evil.  Good benefits everyone.  Instances of evil can psychologically damage the one responsible and hurt the victims in many ways.  The absence of evil is the first step toward good.  However we must go a step further and intentionally choose good.  Making good decisions and choosing good behavior need to be practiced.   Humans aren't perfect creatures, but we have the ability to improve.

Others creatures in nature are not evil.  They behave to survive, do whatever it takes to obtain food and safety.  Sometimes, males fight each other in order to secure a mate.  Animals protect their young and get them ready for adulthood.  This is their natural behavior.  We humans are more complicated.   


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