Many of us have more than we need, instead of just the essentials. The less we have the more space we free up and the more time to devote to other pursuits. The less we buy the more money we can save. The less stress we have the better our health can become.
We allow marketing of products and services to manipulate us to consume more than we need. Some ads make us think we are not enough, not cool enough, not pretty enough. Promises of beauty and youthful appearance tempt us to buy products and services. Promises of luxury transportation, tempt us to purchase the latest vehicle. Trying to keep up with friends and neighbors adds pressure to have more stuff. Stuff can become clutter and disorganization.
Money spent on needless products often only give fleeting happiness, if any at all. The solution to all this craziness is donate stuff you don't need and don't buy more of the same. As long as you have basic necessities and funds for emergencies and retirement, your life will be simplified. Save money instead of overspending. Get rid of debt and enjoy your freedom.
Consuming less is better for the environment. Less trash produces a better cleaner world.
As you spend less money on nonessentials, spend less time on what doesn't matter. This will give you more time for the important things, the simple things of life, plus time to relax, learn, and create.
Practice minimalism. Less is more.
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