Sunday, March 29, 2020


     Are you stranded on a deserted island?  Are you in solitary confinement, imprisoned because of misdeeds?  Are you a prisoner  of war?  Are you a refugee who has fled from a dangerous home?  Are you confined to a hospital bed fighting for your life?  Are you an orphan, widow, or widower?  Are you really alone?
      Remember or imagine before computers, iPhones, and TVs were invented when landlines, radio, snail mail, and paper newspapers were the primary ways to communicate other than face to face?  What about books as a way to look into the minds of others?
      Actually, everyone is alone inside their own body and within their own mind.  Nature around you presents mostly good things for human survival.  Nature also creates mutations, some within the human body and some that invade the human body which at times has a difficult time adjusting.  These mutations can occur anywhere in the world when certain conditions present themselves.  Medical science can often help.
     Many people believe supernatural forces can help.  They also believe that the great supernatural force created nature and answers pleas for help.  This is a comfort for many.
     Take time to think deeply into your beliefs.  Also consider why you have the opinions that you do.  Have you been manipulated to have extreme likes and dislikes?  Consider what you have instead of what you don't have.  Realize the freedoms you have instead of the freedoms that have been curtailed.  Use the time you have in beneficial ways.
     Stay healthy and survive.       

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