Saturday, December 1, 2018

Wisdom Through the Generations: Always a Teacher, Always a Student

     We all become students as we learn and teachers as we share with others. Wisdom is passed on through the generations.
     As a daughter, I learned from my parents the benefits of staying organized, getting an education, and respecting and helping others.  My mother balanced her job at a bank and her household chores.  My father balanced his job and having a big garden of vegetables. They still had time for friends, bowling, and square dancing.  Everything was organized including assigning chores to me.  My parents also managed their finances well and paid my way through four years of college. They were also ready to help their friends and were especially faithful to a friend with Parkinson’s disease and his wife.
     As a college student, I learned to be a teacher of English for Speakers of Other Languages.  At various times during my 20-year career, I taught elementary and high school students to speak, read, and write in English.  As I taught them about the USA, I learned about their countries of origin.  On occasion, I see former students of mine who have grown into adulthood and have children of their own.  I hope I have added to the quality of their lives.
     When I became a mother of three daughters, I tried to teach them similar values I learned from my parents.  My husband and I encouraged them to get an education, and all three graduated from college.  One of my daughters became a teacher.  As I mothered my children, I had to learn from them what they needed in each stage of development.  We learned from each other.  I now have grandchildren and get such pleasure seeing them grow and develop.  Two of them are already in college.
     Throughout my life, I have enjoyed being a student and a teacher.  In the past few years, I've learned how to write a blog.  Now, one of my daughters is a student, taking a course which includes blogging.  She is becoming a teacher by sharing the info with me.  Always a teacher.  Always a student.

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