Tuesday, August 16, 2016


     Your plot of land, your domicile, your life span from birth to death, your immediate family, compare all this to the immense universe, planet Earth, home to all of nature, in endless time back into history and forward into the future, people both living, dead and yet to be born.  How often do you think about the big picture?
     Your place in time and space may monopolize your thoughts which is natural but can be short-sighted.  Any one person's perspective can be very narrow, limited to their own needs, wants, and opinions.  Out of necessity, however, we must focus on our own life, but we need to take the time to see the big picture.
     Sometimes in order to understand the big, we must look at the very small, the microscopic world we can only see with magnification.  In addition, technology helps us see out into the immense universe.  We also need to widen our perspective to understand the people of the world, those that agree with us and those who don't.
     Many people believe the biggest picture must include God, the creator and provider.  Others believe that this idea has been created by human beings.  We all need a way to be sure we don't cause harm to our planet or it's inhabitants.
     As we identify our place in the world, we can value our life and help improve the lives of others.  Scientists can show us how to discover and invent.  Scholars can add to our knowledge.  Leaders can help us organize to increase our effectiveness.  We all need to expand beyond our own existence and become a part of the big picture.

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