Saturday, December 12, 2015


     Human beings have the brain power to think logically and to survive as individuals and as a society.  Our brains, however, have a weakness to be consumed by extreme radical beliefs which bypass logic and at times become lethal.  Humans can become radicalized and attempt to radicalize others.    
     So easy  to label a terrorist as radical.  Their beliefs stem from a literal or misinterpretation of the Koran.  Their mind is fixed on destroying non-believers or anyone who is a supposed threat to their group.  Their convictions can lead to murder and suicide.  Also easy to see how some people become consumed to abuse, murder, and mass murder.
     Not so easy to see how we may also be radical.  We may not be as extreme as some, but sometimes we have radical thoughts stemming from religious and political beliefs.  We don't condone murder or suicide but are willing to go to war on anyone who is a threat to our group.  Some people's minds may be fixed on limiting the rights of women and LGBT and pressuring government to make or change laws based on their interpretation of scriptures. Limiting a person's rights is limiting their life.  Some people may wish to further the ideas of creationism and other miracles rather than promote science. Denying scientific facts can limit intellectual progress.
     Some people have other radical beliefs based on stereotypes of other groups and often use propaganda to further their own causes.  Fear can strengthen prejudice.  Anytime we berate another group of people, our radical side begins to show.
     No one wants to think of themselves as extreme; they just see themselves as right, labeling other people as wrong.  It's always someone else who is radical.

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