Babies naturally copy language and behavior which is a good thing. Teenagers often want to be different from their parents' generation then copy the fads of their peer group. Adults need to be aware when they are still copying their peer group instead of thoughtfully forming their own beliefs and behavior. We can become the product of group mentality which may or may not be the best use of our time, talent, and energy.
Copycats follow the lead of others and imitate their beliefs and actions. From dumping ice water over their heads to mindlessly repeating family and religious traditions, we are following instead of creating a more meaningful life. Being comfortable and not rocking the boat often supersedes taking the time to think before we act, plan before we fall into line, and analyze the systems laid out by family and friends.
Show your children by example how to resist fads and meaningless traditions, and when they are old enough, encourage them to be independent even when it means going against what you expect them to do. They will respect you more when you respect them. If we want leaders instead of followers, if we want original thinkers and courageous planners, we must discourage copycat behavior.
Don't be one of the dim bulbs. Let your unique light shine.
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