Because children require physical, emotional, and financial support, they are understandably needy. Because of poor financial situations or ill health, some adults are also needy. Other adults seem to be emotionally needy, requiring attention beyond what is best for them and those around them.
As social creatures, human beings need a certain amount of healthy interaction with each other. We need someone to love, support, and understand us; however, we should be aware when we expect too much from others or when others expect too much from us. Sometimes the ties that bind are a little too tight when individuals become too dependent on each other to satisfy emotional needs.
Independence and self-sufficiency may never be completely developed when one person in a relationship remains emotionally immature while the other becomes almost parental. The needy person may become demanding and manipulative, often overreacting or sulking, skills that may have been used in childhood which never evolved into adult behavior.
On the other hand, some people may strive to be self-sufficient and seldom reach out for help, not wanting others to feel obligated or burdened. They certainly don't want to resort to emotional appeals but wish to handle their own challenges and not appear needy.
Obviously, people should help each other, while encouraging emotional maturity in all parties. Don't remain a child or enable someone else to act like one. Relationship can be damaged when we are too needy.
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