Trace your opinions back to your basic beliefs of what is true but cannot be proven. Each person has their own viewpoint based on family upbringing, religious tradition, and personal experience. When opinions of many people are grouped together, a wide spectrum exists.
Creationism according to Genesis; the Big Bang theory with or without supernatural cause; laws of nature; Adam and Eve; evolution of all creatures; survival of the fittest physically and intellectually who can adapt.
Revelation recorded in inspired scriptures recording history and creating values, morality, and laws of behavior; various religious scriptures written by human beings including myths, folklore, and preferred behavior in their particular society; groups of people inventing systems of morality for survival of civilization; universal values of right and wrong.
Contact with God through meditation and prayer; supernatural events and miracles down through history and including today; laws of nature explain events; plan designed by God for each individual; individual responsibility to design own goals; acceptance of the unknown.
Trust in own family, culture and religion to have the truth; compare religions for similarities and differences; trust own personal opinion; religion is man-made.
Where do you fit on the spectrum? What do you believe?
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