Friday, June 12, 2015


     Image what your spot on earth was like before your neighborhood existed.  Image that land before any human intervention or even further back when humans were living in caves.  Imagine the landscape, the water, the air - a pretty nice home for all living creatures.
     With each generation, we began to change the natural state of things by developing agriculture, building structures, inventing vehicles, beginning businesses and industry.  Humans used nature without considering the effects they were causing, sometimes improving but often damaging the environment.  Most of what we've done was for the advancement of civilization.  Consider our air-conditioned homes, transportation systems, businesses, and multitudes of products.
     We need to educate ourselves and others about the present condition of our environment, then honor scientific findings and stop dangerous habits that may cause irreparable damage.  We can wisely use, sustain, and improve our resources as individuals and as groups.  Be smart  consumers, reuse, recycle, conserve energy, plant a garden, compost, minimize pesticides and other toxins, don't litter.  Walk, bike, car pool, use public transportation.
     As you improve your own habits, think about what your community and country should do to protect and preserve the habitat of humans and other living things.  Support programs and politicians who will insure that we have a healthy world.      

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