Adult, child, female, male; tall, short, fat, fit; light, dark, ethnic, race; hair, bald, eyes, mouth; smile, frown, friendly, dangerous; wrinkles, spots, piercings, tattoos; make-up, jewelry, clothes, phone; disabilities, canes, wheelchair, bandages; perfume, cologne, sweat, breath; foreign language, foreign accent, drawl, tone.
Within a few seconds, we observe what's on the surface, make judgments, and draw conclusions that may not be correct. Our value systems and prejudices can distort the picture. What we feel about first impressions tells us more about ourselves than about the people we observe. Quickly judging others and comparing ourselves to them may cause us to feel superior or inferior. By being more accepting of what we observe on the surface, we can relax and use our energies for more important issues. We can discover so much more by going beyond skin deep, beyond what we can see, smell, and hear.
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