Massage does a body good. Through touch, pressure, push, pull, and stretching, a therapist or chiropractor can reduce stress, tension, and pain plus provide relaxation, flexibility, healing, and a sense of well-being. As the body improves, so does the mind. The reverse is also true: as we improve our mental and emotional state, our body will benefit.
We need to learn how to massage our mind, get in touch with our thoughts and emotions. Check how much pressure we place on ourselves and others. Some pressure is beneficial to accomplish the necessary tasks of life, but excessive pressures need to be reduced or eliminated. Sometimes we need to push ourselves to get what we want out of life. Sometimes we need to pull back from overdoing and overextending ourselves. Stretching our thinking, widening our perspective, and becoming more flexible will strengthen our mind. Our emotional health should also improve as we relax, take life in stride, calm our reactions, and reduce frustration, worry, and anger.
Research has shown that infant massage can relax and calm babies plus help relieve pain. This touch can help all ages toward better health. Getting in touch with our thoughts and emotions can have similar results. Massage is good for both body and mind.
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