Some people are unable to step outside themselves and tune in to what other people experience, feel, think, and believe. They are locked in to a self-centered world and are labeled as having empathy deficit disorder. With counseling, many of them learn strategies to live with and to try to overcome this disorder. They first need to identify their own feelings, then get cues about the feelings of others. Most difficult with anyone is developing empathy with people who think and believe differently from themselves.
The ability to empathize can be seen in young children. As people expand this ability, they can understand others, even those who are very different from themselves. Some experts believe that certain people never develop empathy which enables them to abuse, harm, and even kill without remorse or regret.
We all have varying abilities to empathize. Consider the advantages of a couple who truly has empathy for each other. Image the improvement in getting along with friends and strangers. What a better world we would have if we could empathize with people of different religions, opinions, and political beliefs. Get beyond your self-centered world and stretch your understanding to the poor, the immigrant, and even your enemy.
Don't let an empathy deficit become a handicap which limits you and your relationships with others. Try to walk in someone else's shoes. Practice empathy.
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