Friday, August 2, 2013

Hard Lessons



     Some lessons are learned the easy way especially when we take the advice and warnings of more experienced family members, friends, and experts.  Young people often haven't matured to the point of valuing the opinions of their elders.  Many adults become so overconfident in their behaviors and opinions that they don't recognize the wisdom of other views.  Some lessons just have to be learned from our own experiences and mistakes.
     Poor management of time, money, and anger can lead to many hard lessons.  Some personality traits like impatience, impulsiveness, and stubbornness can inhibit us from learning the easy way.   Some people through no fault of their own are forced to face very difficult and even tragic situations.
     Some hard lessons can be prevented; others may occur out of the blue.  The most important word is lessons.  Use your experiences and wisdom to improve your life.

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