Friday, August 30, 2013


     Sleeveless dresses, long dyed tresses, thigh-high skirts, sky-high heels, make-up concealing or exaggerating, women flaunting sex appeal.  You won't find any man who would object to this parade of estrogen.  Young women feel this is what it takes to succeed.  Grownup women are  made to feel past their prime.
     In the days before women's lib, the female presence in the business world and on TV was almost nonexistent.  When women began to climb the corporate ladder or started to become more visible in TV broadcasting, they tried to look modest and business-like instead of like man hunters.  Sexy was saved for the beaches, dates, and husbands.
    Most men in the public eye are wearing suits and comfortable shoes.  They don't feel the need to broadcast their sexuality.  They look like authority figures who are taken seriously.  The viewers focus on their brainpower.   Women do not have to conceal their femininity, but should have confidence that a more sophisticated appearance is better than flaunting sexuality.  

Sunday, August 25, 2013


     A decline can be a polite no or a downhill slope.  It can also mean a decrease in strength, vigor, and health, a weakening or degeneration of body or mind.
     In some things, we can't say yes or no; we have no choice.  As we get older, we often have to accept the fact that our body is not working the way it used to and that we may continue to go downhill.  Of course, we do what we can to prevent decline by saying no to what may damage us and saying yes to what may keep us healthy as much as possible for as long as possible.  We still may experience our own decline and witness it in others.
     A decline in physical abilities will come.  In some cases, a decline in mental abilities may also come.  Seeing someone  with beginning signs of dementia can be heartbreaking, and worrying about their future decline can be very scary.  Realizing we may be in mental decline can be frustrating, stressful, and also very scary.
     The key is to accept nature's course and try to keep a positive attitude by appreciating the half-full glass.  We have something, if not everything, until the glass is empty.
     As the sun slopes downward into the west, we realize that morning and noon are over.  Whatever darkness we are forced to experience must be accepted.  A new yet different day lies ahead.  It won't be like yesterday.  We may face even more problems, but when pessimism asks us to give up hope, we must decline.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


     In the animal and the human kingdoms, the average male is physically stronger than the female and assumes dominance.  Father rules.
     Many people believe that God revealed himself as a masculine father figure creating Adam first then Eve as his helper.  Bible passages contain laws of marriage and family which state that the male assume authority over the female who should be submissive.  The New Testament proclaimed the Son as part of the Trinity.
     Throughout history, males were usually the ones in power and so it goes today.  In recent years, women have been given the right to own property, to vote, to control their own bodies, and have equal rights with men.  Gradually, equality is coming, but patriarchy still reigns.
     Many religions still give men the authority positions by not allowing women to be priests or pastors.  Some religions still profess that husbands be the authority over their wives and families.  In the workplace and in politics, men hold more positions of power.
     When we get beyond the old-fashioned traditional roles and equality is finally complete, we will be able to halt the unjust system of patriarchy.

Friday, August 16, 2013


     Many of us hear this word for the first time in reference to the prodigal son who recklessly and wastefully squandered his money.  He also wasted many years living a lavish and selfish life.
     We need to analyze  our own lives to see how we may be wasting our money and time.  Even if we have more than enough money to cover our expenses, we only have a limited amount of time.
     A certain amount  goes to maintaining our bodies, our homes, and our relationships.  We pursue hobbies, entertainment, and travel.  We also may find it satisfying to help others.  Sometimes, it's OK to just sit in a comfy chair and think about the past and the future or go outdoors and enjoy nature.  We don 't want to waste this time of our lives.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


     Tasting fresh fruits and vegetables.  Smelling clean air and fresh laundry.  Seeing the  first signs of spring and fall.  Hearing good news.  Going on vacation and coming home.  Fresh experiences can renew your life.
     As you wake up from a good night's sleep, feel the fresh start of a new day.  Don't let the past sour the present.  As you expand your knowledge or consider new perspectives, refresh your thinking.  Don't let your mind grow stale.  As you read and hear negative messages,  be sure they don't pollute your opinions.  Don't block out more positive points of view.
     Stay fresh!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


     We all have had them: beliefs we held despite the evidence to the contrary.  Later on, we may have realized that our belief in someone or something was not deserved.  Delusion was then replaced by reality.  We may have some delusions which will remain with us for life.
     The  strongest delusions are those that can't be proven false.  We  believe what we have been taught, what satisfies our needs, and what gives us hope and comfort.  Often we are confident that our opinions are facts.  We believe others who agree with us and discount the opposition.  Some people add to our delusion because they have something to gain.
     In the political world, representatives and candidates convince us to believe that they have the solution to our problems.  They may even be deluding themselves as they delude us.  They want our vote and support.  We have to decide who to believe.
     In the business world, companies try to get us to believe that their products and services will improve our lives.  They want us to buy.  We have to decide if their claims seem true.
     In the religious world, many people believe that their texts (Torah, Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc.) contain proof that God has spoken to them. They want us to adopt their beliefs to save our souls.  We have to decide what to believe and what not to believe.
     We have many ways of explaining life to ourselves.  When something cannot be proven true or false, we form opinions.  Sometimes we do have the truth; sometimes we have delusions.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


     While you may feel that your own country, ethnic group, culture, lifestyle, and religion are the best, be careful that you don't overdo it and become xenophobic.  A strong dislike of anyone or anything different from yourself can lead to stereotyping which can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and intolerance.
     Anytime we begin to feel superior, we give ourselves reasons to feel others are inferior.  The more foreign or strange something is to us, the more we may develop hatred and fear.  This is xenophobia.
     Many of us have lived most of our lives in predominately white neighborhoods and have had very little personal contact with blacks.  We assume most of them live in poverty and are on welfare.  We see them on the news murdering each other.  We feel safer with our own kind.
     Many of us have never personally known a homosexual.  We feel it is strange being attracted to the same sex.  Some people even consider it sinful and that same sex marriage somehow weakens the institution of marriage.
     Many of us have never known an Arab or Muslim.  They seem so foreign in what they believe and how they dress.  We see all the worldwide unrest on TV.  We fear that some may be terrorists.
     Many of us suspect new immigrants are illegal.  Some of us don't like hearing them converse in their native tongue and feel they should quickly learn English.  Some fear they may take away jobs from citizens.
     Many Christians feel that other religions, agnostics, and atheists are not right with God.  They may influence our society and politicians to go in the wrong direction.
     The world is made up of many different kinds of people.  Some may seem strange and foreign to us, but this is no reason for hate or fear.  Don't become xenophobic.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Hard Lessons



     Some lessons are learned the easy way especially when we take the advice and warnings of more experienced family members, friends, and experts.  Young people often haven't matured to the point of valuing the opinions of their elders.  Many adults become so overconfident in their behaviors and opinions that they don't recognize the wisdom of other views.  Some lessons just have to be learned from our own experiences and mistakes.
     Poor management of time, money, and anger can lead to many hard lessons.  Some personality traits like impatience, impulsiveness, and stubbornness can inhibit us from learning the easy way.   Some people through no fault of their own are forced to face very difficult and even tragic situations.
     Some hard lessons can be prevented; others may occur out of the blue.  The most important word is lessons.  Use your experiences and wisdom to improve your life.