Entitlements are public funds that go to citizens who meet certain qualifications like being disabled, unemployed, or too poor to pay for food and other necessities. By definition, Social Security and Medicare are not entitlements because workers have paid into these programs just like workers pay into other pension plans and other health insurance programs.
Our government can no longer afford the extent of many of the entitlement programs. Too many people expect free food, subsidized housing, and many other free services especially when they are not working. Was it really that long ago when families (often both parents) worked, paid their own bills, paid their fair share of taxes, put their kids through school, took care of their elderly parents, bought insurance, and saved money for emergencies and retirement? When the government takes over these responsibilities, the whole society suffers.
Giving a temporary helping hand we can and should do. The key word is temporary. We need to reduce or eliminate many of these entitlement programs. We could raise the retirement age to 68 or higher. We must also cut spending in other ways like reducing the military budget.
How do you think government should cut spending?
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