Everyone has them; no way to avoid opinion based on past experience. Just take a moment to trace your opinion back to its origin. When did you first have that opinion? What caused it? Perhaps it was based on your family's influence, your personal experience, outside influences, and even manipulations. What has made your opinion grow stronger and what do you benefit from having that particular way of thinking?
Please be aware of how your emotions may make it difficult to understand those who disagree with you. You may think that the opposition is less intelligent and less focused on what is best for you and your future.
Please be aware of manipulations to increase your prejudice like TV ads, speeches, and bias news. They often try to increase your fear of the opposition. They may use your dislike of the opposition to increase your loyalty to their way of thinking.
We all have a big decision to make between now and the elections. Most of you may already have made the decision. Some of you may still be undecided. Please keep listening to both sides with an open mind and vote. Hopefully, your decision will be based on clear thinking instead of prejudice.
Please be aware of manipulations to increase your prejudice like TV ads, speeches, and bias news. They often try to increase your fear of the opposition. They may use your dislike of the opposition to increase your loyalty to their way of thinking.
We all have a big decision to make between now and the elections. Most of you may already have made the decision. Some of you may still be undecided. Please keep listening to both sides with an open mind and vote. Hopefully, your decision will be based on clear thinking instead of prejudice.
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