Part of appreciating what you have is imagining being without important aspects of your life. Imagine you were born:
1) In another country
2) Speaking another language
3) Of another race
4) With another religion or no religion at all
5) Into poverty
6) To an unwed mother
7) As a homosexual
8) With health problems
9) Without health insurance
Any one of these challenges would have seriously affected your entire life. When we can get our narrow minds to widen just a bit and realize what we have been given by our country and our parents, only then can we truly feel empathy with what life is like for other people different from ourselves. What a privilege to have good parents who gave us what we needed financially, emotionally, and morally, and who accepted us and nurtured us to be educated, responsible, and empathetic. Most of us were truly lucky from day one. We cannot take full credit for what we are today even though we have worked hard and provided a good life for our families. Let us not feel superior to those born in less "privileged" situations.
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