Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Basics

     Every generation dreams of a life that meets their basic needs of food, clothing, housing, transportation, technology, education, health care, and financial stability.  Each generation also imagines a life as good as their parents provided or even becoming upwardly mobile into an improved version.  Today's generation needs to face the fact that their dreams may need to be scaled back.  They may have to be satisfied with the very basics and content to live the simple life within their means.
     Food: the majority of meals at home with the whole family sharing in food prep, less eating out, plant a garden
     Clothing: what is needed to be comfortable, not necessarily the latest in fashion and expensive brand names, less jewelry and accessories
     Housing: a comfortable bed and modest living space, not necessarily a house in the suburbs, perhaps living closer to work
     Transportation: moderately-priced cars instead of gas guzzlers, car pool, use the bus and subways/trains where possible
     Technology: just what is necessary for work, school, and communication, forgo expensive phones and techie toys
     Education: help improve your local public schools and use them, volunteer, send your kids to less expensive local colleges, have your teenagers get jobs and help pay for their schooling
     Health Care: get insurance, if possible through your employment, maintain healthy habits, avoid unhealthy substances like tobacco and junk food
     Financial Stability: always save what you can, put off purchases until you can afford them, limit credit card use, don't expect Uncle Sam to bail you out
     Dream realistically. A simple life can help you realize what is really important.  Your greatest accomplishment may be to live within your means and be happy with the basics.

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