Wednesday, March 7, 2012


     Misogyny, the dislike of women or prejudice against women, has many causes.  Perhaps the male has always been physically stronger and proud of his power over the female, then views the female as inferior.  When religion enters the picture, God is often seen as masculine and fatherly.  In the story of creation, the male was made first, the female, second.   Then, Eve was disobedient after listening to that snake, biting that apple, and tempting Adam to do the same.  The female was supposed to be the obedient, submissive helpmate.  Many religions still do not promote equality of the sexes.
     Only in the last century have women been given the right to vote.  Only in the last few decades have women been given control over their own bodies.  Many people even want to take that control away.  They may not trust women to have the intelligence, emotional maturity, or morality to be able to choose what is right for themselves and society.
     Some people still can only envision women in two ways.  One way is the virginal or motherly image.  The opposite is (to put it in less insulting terms) the immoral woman.  Some men see women as objects to be used to satisfy their desires or as domestics to take care of home and children.  Some men seem to fear the independent, sexual female who only seems to need the male for fertilization or even worse, isn't interested in procreation.  Patriarchy could lose it's power. 
     If you want to insult a boy, call him a "sissy." If you want to insult the average male, call him a (insert insulting homosexual word.)  Men don't want to be viewed as having any of those feminine traits.  The female is seen as inferior.
     No one will admit to hating women, but misogyny often raises it's ugly head.

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