Thursday, December 1, 2011

Act - Don't React

     Everyone has a good idea of how they want to behave based on their values and common sense; however, how we should act is sometimes derailed by reacting in a way that lowers our standards.  When some one's actions make us feel criticized or insulted, we need to first remember the person may just have another point of view, may not be thinking straight, or may be displaying exaggerated emotions.  This "bad" behavior from another person may make us defensive, and while trying to protect ourselves or show we disagree, we might react in a way that helps us let off steam but may actually cause a fight not even worthy of the original action.  Some people may feel the hurtful act deserves punishment in words or with the silent treatment.  This can just prolong and even exaggerate the situation.
     A better strategy may be just to take a deep relaxing breath, leave the room, compose yourself, and temporarily ignore the behavior.  This doesn't mean you are being a doormat but are just trying to postpone a reaction.  When tempers cool, the behavior in question can be discussed.  Don't let bad behavior from others cause you to behave in a similar or worse manner.  Don't react when it is better to act as your best self.  Remain grownup.

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