Packs, herds, and migrating birds, all group together to sustain their way of life. We also join groups of like-minded people to satisfy our needs of survival. Belonging keeps us from feeling lonely and isolated. Political parties, church congregations, social clubs, and families give us companionship and comfort, promote values and philosophies, and help us reach goals that cannot be accomplished alone.
Advertisers do research so they can promote their products, services, and candidates to target groups who will buy their messages and support their brands. We are continually manipulated to agree, join, vote, and spend money. Many groups use the calendar of seasons and holidays to keep us in the fold, promote loyalty, and sustain a message or product.
This pressure to do what other people want us to do can make us feel like cattle. The cowboys are in charge leading the manipulated animals, sometimes for the good of the herd, but other times for the good of the owners.
Recognizing and resisting manipulation, refusing to buy, or leaving a group can be difficult, but when you begin to feel like cattle, being led by a ring in your nose, being prodded to benefit the group, you may need to give up the safety and comfort of membership in order to remain a unique individual.
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