Saturday, August 3, 2024


Look at your living space.  Think how much of that space is taken up by stuff and how nice it might be if that extra stuff were donated to someone else.  Some people become hoarders; their actual living space is crowded with unnecessary stuff perhaps for sentimental reasons; the stuff reminds them of special people or special times in their lives.  Some people just like to collect things as a hobby.  Of course, photographs and other special mementoes need to be kept as part of our history for future generations.

Look at your living space agin and try to imagine what visitors may see, what is on display.  Perhaps your space is devoted to the past instead of leaving room for the present and future.  Sometimes just more open space can be soothing for you and others, less claustrophobic.

Look at your living space once more.  If you live alone and expect to stay that way, change may not be necessary, but if another person is residing with you, they also need a comfort zone.      

Decide what is really essential for your present and future happiness. Think about why you need so much stuff.  How much is too much?