When you put your trust in an individual, organization, or company, you believe they are honest and truthful. Hopefully, you have listened to what they say, observed their behavior, then made your decision that they are trustworthy.
In personal relationships with family members, friends, or prospective mates, an emotional component may sway your opinion. In professional relationships like with medical providers or financial planners, recommendations from others may be helpful. Trusting organizations may be more complicated especially if your family has belonged to these groups and expect your loyalty. Putting trust in political organizations has much to do with the trust you put in the politicians. In general, trusting our country and our democracy will help continue our survival.
Most companies, we hope, are trustworthy, and safeguards are in place to help keep them honest; however, the responsibility lies in us to research their reputation and advertising. The products and services they provide should be reliable.
We also need to be trustworthy, honest, and reliable. As we search for truth, we can build trust in others.