When you were born places you in a named generation. Most seniors would be categorized into the Silent Generation or the Baby Boomers. These two groups have much in common or so they say; however, any stereotype has its exceptions. Seniors have lived through many of the same decades of world events and social changes, and many ways of thinking may have evolved as each year passes. You still can embrace characteristics of many generations.
The Silent Generation lived a more traditional life. They accepted things the way they were and worked within the system; therefore they were "silent." They tended to be thrifty, lived within their means, and saved for the future mostly without the aid of credit cards. Males dominated business, politics, and many families. Women could vote but rarely ran for political office. They seldom were encouraged to have careers outside of homemaking except for some traditional roles such as secretaries, nurses and teachers. When women realized they should have equal rights and opportunities, society began to change for the better.
The Baby Boomers were born after the Second World War and grew up with the idea that citizens could question the way things were, even protest against the status quo. They envisioned reform and change. Parents realized their daughters as well as their sons should be educated and develop their talents. Society was improving.
No matter which generation you were born into, learn what the older and younger generations have contributed to your lives. Realize your own generation evolved into the next. Appreciate the qualities of each generation. Don't get stuck in the past.